Monday, June 14, 2010

Life On The Ranch: Birthday Party & A Summer Swim

This past weekend was a very busy weekend for us. One of my brothers turned 18 last week, so we threw a surprise party for him on Saturday at my cousin's house (who lives across the street ;)). My brother is a cowboy and trains horses with my cousin, so the party was a "Hoe-Down" kind of party with apple bobbing, gunney sack races, cowboy dress-up, cow dummy roping, etc.

Everyone had quite a blast. Osiyyah wanted to do all of the party games . . . even the apple bobbing. No, we didn't let him do the apple bobbing as he would not have been able to do that safely. But, one game Osiyyah did do really well in was the gunney sack race. He raced his little cousin. Osiyyah did so good for about half the race, but then tripped. He was so disappointed that he tripped up!

And I'll throw a couple pictures in of my 18 year old brother racing too!

The prize basket waiting for the winners of each game :)

Sunday was a very hot, humid Oklahoma summer day. So, it was the perfect day to go swimming at the creek. The spot we swim at is a nice 20 minute drive or so and it's the perfect place. Shallow in some areas for the little ones and deep in some areas for those who want to swim. The water is the *perfect* temperature too. Such a blessing to be able to go cool off on these hot days.

Osiyyah was having quite the time in the creek yesterday. Wanting me to help him "float" on his back and get the back of his head wet in the water. Wanting to dip his face in the creek . . . with us holding his nose and keeping his mouth closed.

Such a great weekend God blessed us with :)!


1 comment:

  1. Indeed.

    Thank you to the sky.

    Gunney racing: an event for the whole family!

    And creek paddling: priceless.


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