Friday, June 25, 2010

Homemade Nachos . . . And Chips!

Since being gluten-free, we eat a lot of mexican style food now . . . tostadas, tacos, etc. Which is fine by me, since it's quite good food anyways.

But, the other night, as I was cooking up a few pounds of ground meat, I decided to try something different . . . other than a quick tostada fixin' or tacos. Since we use corn tortillas all the time, I thought I'd fry up some homemade chips and make the dinner into nachos.

I cut the corn tortillas into quarters, then fried them in oil for a few seconds per side. Just long enough so they would brown and be crispy. Quite a few had to be made since our family is so big, but they went a lot farther than I thought! We even had left overs for lunch the next day. And, boy were the chips and nachos way more filling than regular tortilla chips from the store.

This summer when we're full of salsa from the garden . . .  I can just see it now . . . being asked for homemade chips instead of chips bought at the store. We'll see how many times we fry chips up now, since they were delicious!

The one key that I've found to frying tacos, tostadas or chips is to have the burner on high (or very close to it) for a crisp, not very greasy fried food. The lower the burner, the longer the tortilla has to be in the oil and the soggier the food gets.

After the chips were fried, I sprinkled a little bit of salt on each round that came out of the oil.

They were definitely a hit in this house :)!

When this post publishes (if it works right as a scheduled post), we should be in Broken Arrow for the DSAT 2011 Calendar photo shoot. Osiyyah is in it this year :)!


1 comment:

  1. About the 2011 shoot: fabulous O!

    And the nachos look delectable.

    Mexican food is a great culinary choice. You will be able to find and express your creativity there.


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