Monday, May 31, 2010

Life On The Ranch: Warm Weather

The weather has warmed up quite a bit the past week and a half or so.

We went swimming up the creek on Sunday and it was so nice. First time this year and hopefully lots more to come. Osiyyah has been asking to go swimming for MONTHS! We keep telling him it'll be way to cold to go, so when he heard we were going swimming on Sunday, he was THRILLED!

He made quite an accomplishment on Sunday at the creek too. He has no fear of water, so we have to watch him very close. He wears a life vest too, just as extra precaution. Last year when we would try to teach him how to hold his breathe in the water, he'd open his mouth when someone held his nose plugged. But, yesterday, I was able to hold his nose and he kept his mouth shut while we let the water go up on his face (no dunking him in the water, just putting his face ever so slightly in the water). So, he finally realized what it felt like. Then he proceeded to hold his nose closed, keep his mouth closed and let me help him dip his face in the water several times. Yay! A little bit of progress, but a long ways to go before he's anywhere near being water safe. I wish we could've done the "How To Teach Your Baby To Swim" book with him (& his twin sister) when they were little. But, we weren't around water enough and didn't even know about that technique until he was older.

The evenings this time of year are so beautiful and cool though. Here's a few pictures from an evening last week . . .

...lettuce time for the bunnies, since we have so much extra in the garden...

...then we went towards the garden for a bit to see what was going on there ...

...we then took a little walk down to the pond for a few minutes...

...and of course had to throw rocks in it!...



1 comment:

  1. It warms my heart to read about the relationship you have with your brother. You're an excellent big sister.


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