Thursday, May 6, 2010

Life On The Ranch: Time to Chill

The last week and a half has been usually busy here for us. My grandparents from out of town stayed here in their 5th wheel and we had a great time. So, we were hanging out with them a lot and haven't done too much else.

They left today, so it was time to catch-up on things that haven't been done the last week and just chill . . . since we were all tired from our early morning breakfast extravaganza with them :).

It was a very warm spring day today, so we spent quite a bit of time outside . . .

First stop for Osiyyah & I was the bunny barn. A couple of his sisters joined us too. For a little while, O held the kittens & played with the doe I'd let run around in the pen, then he heard mom was out in the garden, so he asked "Dee, Mom?" ("Can I go to Mom?") and so off he went to help her.

Here are a few pictures from our day . . .

...Osiyyah playing with "Carissa"...

...Yophiyyah (O's twin sister) being the "baby holder." She always likes to hold the little babies :). The baby she's holding here is 4 weeks old...

...A couple pictures of the start of our garden. We've been eating lettuce off of it for a couple weeks now. Yummy!...

...And a picture of a bit of the pasture & pond on our property, so green again finally!....




  1. It's wonderful O gets to grow up on a farm! I used to have 25 acres and someday we will have land again :o)

  2. Hi there. I'm writing to anyone who is familar with a child with DS who has had a heart defect repair. Right now my wife and 4 month old are in All childrens in ST Petersburg, FL having a complete av canal repair. Anyone who can show support please visit her blog at


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