Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life On The Ranch: Green Is Coming!

orry, the blogging has slacked for the last week and a half. Life has been busy . . . as usual ;).

Spring is here. Everything is slowly turning green. The bunnies feel the warmth of spring. Babies are filling the nestboxes (23 babies to be exact). The fresh smell of green grass & flowers is in the air. The frogs & bugs are starting to come out. And the sounds of summer are slowly coming.

Today Osiyyah, Ezriyah (my 19 y/o sister) and me went on a walk around our property (it's a square mile, which is a nice walk).

Here are a few pictures from our walk today.

...The goats (does) all waiting to go out to pasture...

...the bucks & their guardian dog following us out...

...and at the end of the walk, the kids stopped to throw rocks in the pond, as usual :)...

We are truly blessed to live out here! It's so much nicer than California . . . in so many ways!

Osiyyah continues to not have any reflux problems since cutting out all gluten. Which is such a blessing! We successfully made gluten-free strawberry shortcake today for lunch. And it didn't really taste "gluten-free." Baking with gluten-free flours can be a bit tricky. But, if you have the right recipe for a "gluten-free flour mix" things can go pretty smoothly.

That's about it for today!



  1. Oh I long to move far, far away from California!! Your family really is blessed :)

  2. How gorgeous it is where you life! Beautiful!


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