Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life On The Ranch: Spring Walk

Well, I haven't done a Life On The Ranch blog for awhile, so thought I'd put one up. Spring seems to slowly & finally be coming to Northeastern Oklahoma. It feels like we've been in winter forever!

Sunday was a gorgeous, warm & sunny spring day so, my sister & I took a walk with a few of the kids around our property.

We . .

...rode around on the bike...

...ran down the hill...

...threw sticks to the dogs...

...let the dogs roll around in the dirt...

...ran through the pasture...

...collected pine cones for the bunnies...

...threw rocks into the pond...

And to conclude our day outside . . .

...we gave the pinecones we collected to the bunnies...

...and bottled the baby goats...



We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).