Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Connecting the Rainbow & Our Book

As some of you know, my mother & I published a book about Down syndrome a little over a year ago.

The book, Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do is 589 pages long. My mom & I basically edited it and compiled all the info. Lots of doctors, therapists, parents and families wrote information, articles & stories for the book. Which makes it an excellent resource. Karen Gaffney wrote the foreword. Dr. Lawrence G. Leichtman wrote the introduction. Patricia Winders gave us a physical therapy article to include. Talk Tools & Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson gave us permission to use several articles from them. Just to name a few . . . but lots of other doctors and professionals gave us their time, information & articles.

It took us awhile to compile it together, but it has been well worth it. The book is only $22.73 for a hard copy & $5 for an e-Book. Yeah, I know that is really cheap in price. But, we didn't write this book to make a fortune. We wrote this book so that it will help other families and give families hope to realize there is so much that can be done to help children with Down syndrome.

You can see a 15 page preview of the book and it can be ordered from here.

I have a question for ya'll: Would you guys like to see a hardcover version of our book? Obviously it would be more expensive, but I'm sure there are some who prefer hard cover books over soft covers.

We recently sent International Nutrition several hundred flyers about the book and they also ordered a decent amount to start to provide it on their website. Hopefully they'll have good success with it.

A little side note . . . If anyone would like flyers for their local Down syndrome associations, new parent packets or just to have to give out to whomever, let me know and I'd be glad to mail you some. Our local DS association put a flyer in each of their new parent packets.

Now, all that to bring me to this, the main reason for the post . . . Connecting The Rainbow. I've mentioned CTR before, but thought it would be good to mention it again. We sent a hard copy of our book with Shelley on her first trip to Bulgaria to give to the families there who have chosen to keep their children.

Since that trip, Shelley & CTR has been gathering resources & tools to take to the families in Bulgaria when Shelley returns to bring her son home from Eastern Europe. They have received a great response and gotten a lot of good therapy tools, other tools & resources to take to the families in Bulgaria.

Because of that, I have a stack of 21 CD's sitting here by my computer that have a PDF of our book burned onto them. I'll be mailing them out this week, Lord willing, to Shelley and she'll take them with her on her trip to Bulgaria in April.



  1. Shelley and Bulgaria: WHAT A MISSION for the book.

    Hard cover would be good because it's durable.

  2. Thanks for posting this again! Shelley and I are VERY excited for this trip. This trip has TWO purposes, which are intertwined. The trip was planned AROUND Shelley's adoption (because it just makes more sense to combine a trip rather than make another trip later on!) The other part is that she and I will be meeting with the families in Bulgaria AND, we've added a leg to the trip! We'll also be stopping in Serbia for a few days to meet with adoption officials there. We're very excited for this opportunity! We have several things planned while in Serbia, so be watching the blog or the Facebook page for more information about that! This is a very exciting time for Shelley and her family, as well as for the CTR organization.


We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).