Sunday, November 1, 2009

Silent Auction At "From The Trenches of Adoption"

Valerie & her husband have biological triplets, adopted 2 boys with special needs from 2 different countries within the last couple years. They are now in the process of adopting 3 more children from Bulgaria.

Because the costs of adoption are so high, they are having a silent auction over at their blog From The Trenches of Adoption. There are a lot of nice items available at the silent auction.

As some of you may know, I have a small home business doing graphics & web designing, Country Girl Designs. I donated a Blog Makeover to the Silent Auction.

You can see all the items at this link (just keep scrolling down to see them all). You can see the Blog Makeover at this link.

Feel free to pass on & forward to anyone you know :)!
