Thursday, October 29, 2009

Longvida Curcumin News

International Nutrition has started carrying UCLA's Longvida Curcumin. Each bottle contains 60, 500mg capsules. The price is $39.95, but INI is having a special introductory price of $35.95.

You can view the product by clicking here.

Here is some more changes we have seen with Longvida Curcumin over the past month:

9/28/09 –

Osiyyah has said a few new words lately. He started saying “Hooee" (one of his sister's nicknames) He can say it really well, unless he starts getting excited and saying it in a fast tone and then it comes out as “hooweewe" or "weewee" ;).

He said “Oops” this morning during speech very well. But, he could only say it with the “p” sound in the middle if I slowed him down and made him say it real slow. Otherwise it was just the “s” sound at the end.

10/28/09 ------ Deeper Progress:

We have continued to see progress and I’d call it “deeper” progress now, as we are into it farther.

Osiyyah asks questions all the time – like “Why?” and “Who?” He has never been one to ask “Who does this belong to?” or “Why are we doing this?” etc. So, it has been neat to have him asking those types of questions. He also asks “What?” when he wants to be sure he’s heard something right or something along those lines. Today (10/28) he started asking “Do?” for “What are you doing?” or “What can I do?”. Wow, that is simply amazing!! I was shocked to hear him say that, as I had never heard him say that before!
