Monday, October 19, 2009

Buddy Walk: O's Ranch Hands

Wow, last week flew by! I just had time to sit down and answer a few emails, but not to get a blog post up! We picked my grandma up at the airport last week. She flew in from California and is visiting for a couple weeks.

The day we picked her up, our local DS association (DSAT) had their annual "Kick it off Party" for the Buddy Walk. The party was at Pump It Up. We got there kind of late, but still had a BLAST!

The Buddy Walk was yesterday (Sunday). DSAT has a great turn-out and every year their walk grows! The walk draws 2500+ and this was just the 7th annual walk. DSAT does a great job of putting on a wonderful walk and raising awareness about Down syndrome. This was the first year we actually did the full thing (last year we were only there for the last 30-40 minutes), and it was great. We even got to do some dancing while we were hanging out :). Here's a couple pictures from the day:

Hopefully I can post more later . . .
