Monday, August 31, 2009

Long overdue Update

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! I will try to update this more regularly, we'll see how that goes though ;).

I'm sure y'all are wondering how the progress is going still with Longvida Curcumin. It's been about 3 months now (almost 4 actually) since we started giving my brother Longvida. We have continued to see amazing changes and results from it. I kept a log of the first 8 weeks of giving it to my brother at 1000mgs/day and then I started a second log when we increased the dosage to 2000mgs/day.

There is also a lot more information that I have not posted to my blog yet, since I have been in contact with a professor of Neurology from UCLA who helped develop Longvida - Sally Frautschy. She has been a wealth of information!

Over the course of this week, hopefully every day, I will post a new post with the information that I am referring to above. I don't want to post it all at once or it might be overwhelming :)!

I will post the log I kept of the changes we saw in my brother over the first 8 weeks here today.

Please let me know if you have started your kid on Longvida or would like to and if you wouldn't mind, please keep a log any changes you may see and the dosage it is at. This is all SO new, the more information we can have the better. So, the more people who use it and keep records of stuff the more it'll help. Feel free to email me with any of this and also any questions about Longvida Curcumin - qf @ (remove spaces).
