Friday, January 23, 2009

Two interesting articles

I came across these two articles through my Google Alerts. They are so opposite of each other, it's amazing!

I like the bill that is being proposed in this first article:

Bill Would Change The Way Doctors Perform Abortions

Posted: Jan 23, 2009 10:12 AM

Updated: Jan 23, 2009 02:52 PM

By Megahn Snyder

A northeast Kansas lawmaker plans to introduce a bill Monday that would change the way doctors perform abortions.

Wade Hapgood, spokesperson for Kansas House Republican Caucus, says the bill is called the Woman's Right To Know And See Act. He says it would require doctors to show women sonograms and allow them to hear the fetus' heartbeats a half hour before an abortion.

Representative Lance Kinzer (R-Olathe) says he has nearly 40 cosponsors from across the state. Hapgood says the lawmaker is also working on getting support from democrats for the bill.

But, the second news article is sickening:

Obama reportedly will reverse abortion 'gag rule'

Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor January 23, 2009 10:58 AM

President Obama didn't do it symbolically on the anniversary Thursday of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in the United States.

But he plans to sign an executive order today ending the ban on federal funds for international groups that promote or perform abortions, the Associated Press and others are reporting.

The expected move reverses the rule put in place by the Bush administration. Republican and Democratic presidents have been changing the rule like a ping-pong ball.

Abortion rights groups, which supported Obama during the campaign with money and volunteers, have been pushing for the change in the policy, which bars US taxpayer money from going to international family planning groups that either offer abortions or provide information, counseling, or referrals about abortion.
