Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pediasure . . .

Someone on the ES list asked about Pediasure and had concern about the levels of the nutrients in it. I researched Pediasure out some and gave them some info, so I thought I'd post on here the information I found out:

In regards to the Pediasure and the levels of vitamins/minerals . . .

I looked up the ingredients of Pediasure. Honestly, it does not have very
high amounts of vitamins/minerals in it, does not have all the ones which
are necessary, and it also has some which should not be given.

- it has Iron in it. It is a small amount, so it's not that big of a deal.
But, iron shouldn't be given most of the time, unless it is needed (low
iron, etc).

- The amount of Zinc in it is a crazily low amount. It is so low, it's
almost not worth having any zinc in it at all! Zinc is typically low in
those with DS (low zinc can equal low growth rate too!), and giving the
amount of zinc that is in Pediasure (very low amount), is not very
beneficial. To give you an example . . . my brother takes around 34mgs or so
of zinc a day. The amount of zinc in 100 cals of Pediasure is 0.60mgs.

- it has Copper in it. It has 100mcgs of Copper per 100cals of Pediasure.
Copper is typically high in those with DS because of the overexpression of
the Cu/Zn SOD gene. Copper should not be given unless it is low, which most
of the time it is not.

Those are the main things I notice in it.