Monday, December 3, 2007

Like Any Other Boy

I wrote this and submitted it to the Band of Angels site for the brothers & sisters column on the site by Harper Kidder.


Like Any Other Boy

I’m the oldest of 11 children. One of my 4 brothers is 2 ½ years old. He also happens to have a twin sister, who is 5 minutes younger than him.

My brother is like any other little boy. He likes to play with cars. He likes to run and play outside. When he hears that one of the kids is going outside, he always asks to have his shoes put on and to go outside with them. He chases his twin sister around. He really enjoys playing ball. When all the other kids play pass the ball, he is right there with them passing the ball. He even likes to play with baby dolls with his twin sister!

One of his favorite things to do is dance! He dances all the time and is so cute. He has some of the cutest little jigs and rhythm. Often times the whole family will be watching him dance because it’s such a blast watching him. One of the best times when it comes to dancing was at this past Thanksgiving at our friend’s house. All of us (including our friends who were there) were in a big circle and each person was taking their turn doing a dance in the middle while everyone followed them. It finally came to where everyone had done it, so we asked my bother to come in the middle and dance. He did it perfectly!

I guess I should mention now that my brother has Down syndrome. When my brother was born his diagnosis was news to us. But, contrary to the “he can’t” and “he won’t” statements that we were told back on that February day 2 ½ years ago, my brother has exceeded and shown that those statements were wrong. He is just a part of our family; one of the kids. He can do a lot.

One thing about him is that he is so loving, so happy almost all the time and so much fun. He puts a smile on our faces! We are thankful that God has shown great mercy on him and us and made him excel way beyond what we were told.

- Qadoshyah

19 yr. old sister to boy(DS)/girl twins - February. 05