Thursday, October 25, 2007

Turmeric is needed at a young age!

The abstract below shows that they detected Abeta levels in the spinal fluid of children with DS at a very young age (8 mths, being the youngest one they tested!). This shows all the more reason to supplement accordingly to deal with the bad effects of the APP gene triplication - it is causing problems very early on. Turmeric helps break-up Abeta plaques and tangles (in the brain - part of the AD pathogenesis). We supplement my brother with Turmeric. He gets it in his NTV-D and we also give him some extra at times (although I think we will be more consistent now, especially after doing some of this reading).

Increase in beta-Amyloid Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Children with Down


Background: Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) invariably develop
Alzheimer's disease (AD) during their life span. It is therefore of
importance to study young DS patients when trying to elucidate early events
in AD pathogenesis. Aim: To investigate how levels of different amyloid-beta
(Abeta) peptides, as well as tau and phosphorylated tau, in cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) from children with DS change over time. The first CSF sample was
taken at 8 months and the following two samples at 20-40 and 54 months of
age. Results: Individual levels of the Abeta peptides, as well as total
Abeta levels in CSF increased over time when measured with Western blot. Tau
in CSF decreased whereas there was no change in levels of phosphorylated tau
over time. Conclusion: The increasing levels of Abeta in CSF during early
childhood of DS patients observed in this study are probably due to the
trisomy of the Abeta precursor APP, which leads to an overproduction of
Abeta. Despite the increased CSF concentrations of Abeta, there were no
signs of an AD-indicating tau pattern in CSF, since the levels of total tau
decreased and phosphorylated tau remained unchanged. This observation
further strengthens the theory of Abeta pathology