Monday, September 10, 2007

Mealtime Notions New Book: Homemade Blended Formula Handbook

Just thought I would post info on the new book that Mealtime Notions ( has. It is called "Homemade Blended Formula Handbook." It's supposed to give alot of recipes and info for those who have to make pureed food for their child or who's child is tube-fed. Just thought I'd post the info incase anyone could benefit from it.
Snippet from Introduction:

by Marsha Dunn Klein, MEd, OTR/L and Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

(Reprinted with permission from Mealtime Notions, LLCand Marsha Dunn Klein and Suzanne Evans Morris)

Many families who are providing tube feedings for their children have asked, “Why can’t I feed this child the nutrition I feed my other children?” or “What can I offer my child besides the same formula every day?” or “How would I go about providing real blended food through the tube?” or “Can I still use the commercial formula and just add a little food?” or “Where would I start”?

These families have often asked dietitians, pediatricians and other feeding team members these questions, only to have them admit to having little or no experience with blended foods in tube feedings. Much to the frustration of families, many of these professionals have asked them, “Why would you want to offer something besides commercial formula?” Some professionals have said, “Well, I’ve never had anyone ask that question, but let’s learn together.” This handbook is for them, all of them: the families who ask “why?” “how?” and “what?” and the professionals who have limited experiences and want to learn. It provides a starting point for making homemade blended formulas and a sharing of information, based on what we already know about feeding children. It incorporates what we know about mealtime experiences and what helps children grow. It combines this knowledge with the experiences of parents and other professionals who have written these chapters.
