Monday, July 16, 2007

AmEx - Awareness Can Build A Family - Voting Part 3

This was posted on another listserv and I thought I'd put it up here.

Hello All,
The voting closed today for the Member's Project and we ended up in 5th place...behind giving the government the money to refurbish our national parks, and behind plant a million trees around the world...we were also behind Alzheimer's research...which our kids are KEY to that research, and behind clean drinking water for kids in Africa...
Tuesday, July 17th the top 25 will be back up and the voting begins again...I'm heading out on a business trip and won't be here to bug you on Tuesday, so this is your prompt VOTE AGAIN AND FORWARD TO EVERYBODY!!!!
This round we HAVE To end up in the top 5 to make it to the next round.
If you haven't been there lately, there is a statement from the NDSC and a lot of ignorant posts encouraging people to not vote for us...ignore the ignorance, don't play to them, simply post your reasons for wanting this project if you even feel compelled to do that.
Here's the link and this round ends next Sunday

You will find a description of our project below.

If, after reading the description, you agree this project is worthwhile you can help in 2 ways:

1. If you are an American Express card member – Go on line to and following the instruction to vote for the NDSC project titled: Awareness Can Build a Family

2. You can help us even more by forwarding this email to all the people on your contact list – to other family members, friends and associates. Send it to everybody you think might care about people with Down syndrome and ask them to vote for Awareness Can Build a Family.

With your help, we can mobilize thousands of people and, in the end, gain essential funding for our campaign to make the world aware that people with Down syndrome are “more alike than different.”

That is the theme of our campaign and here’s the way it is described with American Express:

Awareness Can Build a Family

Yearly, thousands of women are tested to determine if the child they carry has Down syndrome. A positive answer often portrays a bleak future in which their child will impose terrible burdens and dreams die.

Many medical professionals have scant knowledge of Down syndrome and are unable to comfort or educate.

Their messages tag people with Down syndrome as having no value, implying there is no place for them in our world.

The tragic result: an astonishing 90% of pregnancies involving diagnosis of Down syndrome are terminated.

In fact, there is much to celebrate. Children with Down syndrome excel in school, participating in sports and graduating. As adults they live independent, rewarding lives. Ask a parent – you will hear of joy, fulfillment.

Our Members Project, “Awareness Can Build a Family,” would use public service television, ads, booklets and more to tell that people with Down syndrome are more like all of us than not and are of priceless value.

If you agree with all of that, please vote as soon as possible – the seond round closes July 22, 2007!

Please go to: Click on Vote Now. Find Awareness Can Build A Family. Read it. And vote!

Together we can make build awareness. Thanks for your support!