I thought I'd post and see what everybody's favorite or interesting links (of course, pertaining to DS in some way or another) are for either websites, blogs, forums etc. I figured this would be very resourceful! If you have any favorite or informative links, please email me at qf@gotdownsyndrome.net. I'll make a large list of resourceful information.
Here's some of mine:
Riverbend DS Support Group - http://www.altonweb.com/cs/downsyndrome/
Down Syndrome Resesarch Fund - www.dsrf.co.uk
Einstein Syndrome - www.einstein-syndrome.com
Stanford University's DS Research Center - www.dsresearch.standford.edu
PubMed - www.pubmed.com
DS Educational Trust (their reading, speaking and teaching information), although this link doesn't seem to come up for me right now - http://information.downsed.org/topics/recommended/families
PubMed - www.pubmed.com
DS Educational Trust (their reading, speaking and teaching information), although this link doesn't seem to come up for me right now - http://information.downsed.org/topics/recommended/families
DownSyndromeInfoExchange - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DownSyndromeInfoExchange
Einstein-Syndrome Listserv - http://listserv.tbinet.org/archives/einstein-syndrome.html
DSTNI List - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DSTNI/
My own (does that count, LOL!)! - http://gotdownsyndrome.blogspot.com
Vaccine Awakening - http://www.vaccineawakening.blogspot.com/
Blog For Down Syndrome - http://blogfordownsyndrome.com